How to use the Five Elements to attract money, growth and success
Everything in this world is made up of five basic elements - known as “Panchabhoota” - in Indian culture and belief. They are: Aakash-Space or Ether or sky; Vayu-Air; Agni-Fire; Jal-Water and Bhumi-Earth.The chief feature of Akash (Space): It is the unending (Ananth) regions remote from the Earth,in which not only our Solar System but the entire Galaxy exists. Its effective forces are light, heat, gravitational force, waves and magnetic field.Aakash or space is infinite and limitless. It is related to our sense of hearing. In a structure, the space element is related to the centre portion or the Brahmasthan. It is the source of cosmic radiation and cosmic energy.
The sky element means cosmic energy. It is important that the Brahmanthan be kept open, clean and light.Vayu (Air): The atmosphere of the Earth is about 400 kms deep, and consists of 21% oxygen (Prana or Vaayu), 78% nitrogen, carbon-dioxide,helium, other kind of gases, dust particles, humidity and vapour, in certain proportions. The life of human beings, animals and plants depends upon this.The Air is vital for our survival. Our sense of sound, touch and feel are related to Air. The air onearth is a mixture of various gases like nitrogen, oxygen, helium, hydrogen, etc. Oxygen is vital for human beings and nitrogen is essential for the growth of plant life, which in turn provides oxygen. The correct percentage of different gases,atmospheric pressure and humidity levels is important for life forms on earth.Air represents a cheerful, amiable, gentle, neat, courteous and perceptive person. Music, art, balance, extension and expansion are implicit in air. If balance of air is disturbed, it affects the lungs, kidneys and blood disorders.
Hippocrate, the father of medicine, in whose name the oath is taken, said that never touch a part of the body with iron whose controlling sign is being aspected by the moon. When moon is in Taurus and if you carry out the Tonsils operation, it amounts to introducing the air element and stemming the rising of the water element.Agni (Fire): Agni represents the light and heat of fire, lightning, volcanic heat, energy, seasons and other such aspects of the Solar System. It also represents enthusiasm, passion and spirited vigour. The sun is the most vital source of energy and light. It is the soul of the universe. The formation of day and night, and the change in seasons, is brought about by the movement of theSun in relation to the movement of the earth. The Fire element is related to our sense of sound, touch and sight. It is difficult to imagine life on earth without the Sun.
An increase in the fire element leads to love of power and rashness. The fire element means solar radiation. Its main characteristicsare shabda (sound), sparsha (touch) and roop (form).Jal (Water): This is represented by rain, river and sea, and is in the form of liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam). It is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of two to one, perfectly neutral in reaction. In plant and life on Earth, water exists in certain proportion. Water is linked to our senses of taste, touch, sight and hearing. Quantitatively,two-thirds of the earth’s surface is water. Those under the influence of the water element are likely to be have varied emotions: Love of novelty, sociable nature, fondness for home life, imaginative and fanciful attitude, flexibility. It also means slow, harmless, lazy, careless and inoffensive.
An imbalance in the water element causes cough, piles and damp feet.The water element means gravitational attraction indicates presence of excess water element. It’s main characteristicsare shabda (sound), sparsha (touch), roopa (form) and rasa (taste).Bhumi (Earth): Earth, the third planet in order from the Sun, is a big magnet, with the north and south poles as centres of attractions. It’s magnetic field and gravitational force has telling effects on the everything on the Earth, living and non-living. Earth is tilted by about 23½ at the meridian on its either side for six months called Uttarayan and Dakshinayan. It rotates in its own axis from West to East causing in day and night. It’s on e-orbit around the Sun takes 365¼ days (1 year). Human beings have a natural and emotional affinity with the Earth. The Earth revolves around the Sun and has a gravitational and magnetic force.
Earth is the only element linked to all five senses of taste, sound, touch, smell and sight, and thus exerts the maximum influence on us. The Earth element gives rise to practicality, firm nature, methodical approach and adaptability. Tact and prudence are indicative of a balanced earth element while obstinate and proud nature are the result of excess earth element. Earth is a big magnet having North and South poles. Throat, intestines and knees are affected by the Earth element. The Earth element means the magnetic field of the globe. It’s main characteristicsare shabda (sound), sparsha (touch) roopa (form), rasa (taste) and guna (quality).In Vastu, the five elements or “Panchabhootas”are positioned as under:The Five Elements in Vastu? How do they affect our lives?The whole universe is made up of five basic elements - the earth, water, fire, air and sky or space. Our body is also made up of these five basic elements of nature. The five elements are related to our five senses of smell, taste, hearing, touch and sight. Any imbalance in our external and internal Vastu translates into unhappy situations. Vastu teaches the individual to live in balance and harmony with these sense organs. Each of these elements corresponds to a natural force, which affects our life as given below:Sky: Space or Cosmic EnergyAir: Wind Intensity and DirectionWater: Gravitational Attraction of the EarthFire: Solar radiationEarth: Magnetic Field of the EarthInternal relationship between the Five Elements, Senses and Direction
Element --- Sense --- Sense Organs --- Ruling Direction in a plotEarth---------Smell----------Nose-----------------SouthwestWater--------Taste--------Tongue-----------------NortheastFire----------Sight-----------Eyes------------------SoutheastAir-----------Touch----------Skin-------------------NorthwestSky---------Hearing---------Ears----------------Central RegionThe interplay between these elements is beyond complete comprehension. The five elements within the body and the five elements outside, if inharmony, leads to health, monetary growth and happiness. Our ancient Rishi Munis had laid down some Vedic principles to keep these five elements in balance and harmony.
All natural elements are freely available for the benefit of mankind. It is up to human beings to take advantage of these by proper planning and designing. So, it should be the endeavour of the Vastu planner to optimise these benefits and design accordingly. The idea of the Five Elementscan be traced back to the Samkhya philosophers of eighth-century BC. According to this system, the primal void condenses into the Akash element.Akash, in turn, condenses into air. From air is born fire, which in turn transmutes into water.
Water’s final transformation is into earth. Earth, therefore, is the most complex of all the elements. Each of these elements is also assigned a characteristic colour shape. Akash is yellow and shaped like a dot – the bindu that adorns the forehead of Hindu women. Air is a green circle with its promise of life-giving rain. The circle symbolises the bounded spaces that in circle us all; any mountaintop provides this vision of sky. The circle, then, is the space within which we leave; the dot is the cosmos around that. Fire is red triangle. A blue crescent symbolizes water, which is associated with the Moon and tides. The square-and its variant, the cube-is the most stable geometric structure. The point must not be overlooked that the bindu, is the inevitable shape out of which everything is made, including houses.
As such, the central spot of Vastu grid, called the Brahmasthana, houses that bindu, the “seed out of which forms grow”.Five elements and AyurvedaAyurveda is science of life the basis of Ayurveda is the concept of five primal elements- ‘Panchabhootas’or ‘Tattva’. These elements form the basis of all interactions of energy and matter not only in the human body but also in the surroundings. Therefore, a human body is made of these five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. According to the Ayurvedic experts, a proper assessment of the predominant element ina person’s body enables him to determine his eating habits accurately. For instance, if a person who has an excess of earth element eats food thatis earthy in nature, ends up feeling heavy and solid. Ayurvedic healing suggests the proportionate balance of these five elements in the body. Taking food as per the element and the gunas - Sata, Tamas and Rajas - guarantees good health.Five Elements and Your ProfessionThere are five elements, i.e. Earthy, Airy, Fiery, Watery and Ether or Sky. Out of these, only four rule different Moon signs directly. The Fifth Element of Sky is considered to be omnipresent. Natives should choose their education and profession, considering these elements for a grand success.The Moon signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are influenced by air. Airy signs denote intellectuals. Air grants intuition.
These natives make good astrologers, advisors, lawyers, scientists, philanthropists, writers, accountants, and advisors of all kinds such as management consultants.The Moon signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are governed by the fire element in a big way. Fiery signs lend vitality and energy to a native. Successful engineers, surgeons, politicians, tradeunion leaders and social activists are found to be fiery natives.The Moon signs of Cancer, Scorpion and Pisces signs are related directly to the water element. These people live more on a mental plane than the physical. They are thinkers and creative people. The professions indicated by watery signs are sailors, wine merchants, those in the shipping business, merchant navy, marine engineers, etc. Such natives deal in chemicals, petroleum and all sorts of liquids.The Moon signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn signs represent the earth element. An Earthy sign denotes stability. These make a native practical, methodical, preserving and prudent in his actions. Earthy signs govern professions such as administration,civil service, property, buildings, agriculture, mining and food items.There are four cardinal directions and four sub-directions.The four corners are also named as per Vastu Shastra. East, West, North and Southare the four cardinal directions. The sub-directions are intersecting points of two directions viz., Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest.
As per Vastu Shastra, the sub-directions are named as under:The Northeast corner is called Ishaan, the Northwest corner is called Vayuvya, the Southeast corner is called Aagneya, and the Southwest corner is called Nairitya. As per Vastu scriptures, these are associated with many aspects of our life. Details are given to explain theVastu direction and end its association with features like the ruling god or Dikpati, planet, element, preferable firms and industries.Directions, Dikpati, Colour, Shapes & Preferable Firms & Industries for Eight Directions
1. North - Belongs to the Dikpati KUBER, who has a store of wealth and prosperity. It is represented by the planet Mercury (Budh) and the colour is Green. The shapes are rectangles and polylines. This direction is suitable for merchants, professionals, shops and Finance Companies.2. East - Belong to the Dikpati INDRA who gives us life, wealth and prosperity. It is represented by the planet Sun (Surya) and the color is Red and Orange. Shapes are Star, Tetrahedron and Hexagon. This direction is good for Traders, Industry, Share and Stock brokers3. West - Belongs to the Dikpati VARUN who wields power over rain and water. It is represented by Saturn (Shani) and the colour is navy blue. The shapes are circular and elliptical. This orientation is beneficial for furniture shops and showrooms, shoe shops, the hardware business and engineering firms.4. South - Belongs to the Dikpati YAMA, who has power over justice and death. It is represented by the planet Mars (Mangal) and the colour is vermillion red. The shape is triangle. This direction is advantageous for Steel and Metal Industries and Chemical dealers.5. North-East: Belongs to Dikpati RUDRA, who rules this direction and is the most auspicious corner. The North-East is represented by the planet Jupiter (Guru) and the colour is yellow. The shapes are squares and regular linear shapes. Educational Institutes, astrologers, jewellery showrooms, and beauty parlour ownersshould use this orientation.6. South-East: Belongs to the Dikpati AGNI. It is represented by the planet Venus (Shukra) and the colour is Bright White. The shapes are Ellipitical and in the shape of a half-moon. Dealers in gold and precious gems, the show business, cars and other conveyance manufacturing units and showrooms, and building material outlets, should use this orientation for optimum results.7. South-West: Belongs to the Dikpati Niruti. It is represented by the planet Dragon’s Head (Rahu) and Dragon’s Tail (Ketu) and the colour is grey/brownish with red tint. The shapes are squares and stable forms. This direction is recommended for nursing homes, pharmaceutical factories, real estate firms and agency firms.8. North-West: Belongs to Vayu Devta. The Dikpati of Wind. It is represented by the planet Moon (Chandra) and the colour is Pearl White or Off White. The shapes are square and rectangles.
This direction is very good for showrooms, cinema halls, export firms and media companies.A chart is given below for the guidance of natives and designers to gain maximum by following fiveelementary rules.VAASTU FOR RESIDENTIAL SPACENORTH WESTStore, Granary, Guest, Bedroom, Toilet Indian style, Places for entertainment and Kitchen and PantryNORTHEntrance, Verandah, Treasury, plants, Rainbow, Mirror, boring, Low ground level, Underground boring, Fountain RefreshmentNORTH EASTMeditation room, Place of worship, Green Mirror, UndergroundLotus plant,WESTDining space, Bedroom, Study room,BRAHMASTHANCourtyard, Open area, bedroom, No heavy furniture, Children’s bedroomEASTLiving area, Drawing room, Children’s BathroomSOUTH WESTMaster bedroom, Wardrobe, Dressing room, Storefor heavy goods, Overhead water tank high land, Toilet (English style)SOUTHBedroom, Furniture, Heavy electronic equipmentsroomSOUTH EASTBedroom, Store, Kitchen, Inverter, Fire corner, ComputersVaastu is a bridge between Man & Nature. In ancient times, human beings were more nearer to the Mother Earth having less problems. In the present scenario, it is vice-versa. We are living in a polluted world of busy city life in which lack of fresh air, natural light and heat is absent, causinga lot of anxiety and tensions. Now, considering our body, which consists of the five elements of water, air, sky, fire and space. So, the necessities of Vastu have become all the more important. In today’s competitive world, money, growth and prosperity is ranked above all. To achieve this, the given chart is to be followed in commercial space for maximum benefits.
VAASTU FOR COMMERCIAL SPACENORTH WESTRECREATIONAL ROOM, SALES DEPARTMENT, DISCUSSION ROOM,NORTHCASH, DOCUMENT ROOM, ROOM, CASHIER, RECEPTION, MARKETING STAFF, PURCHASE COUNTER, PANTRY, APSULE LIFT, TOILET, SILENT POWER, INVERTERNORTH EASTPRAYER & MEDITATION, SEAT, DESIGN STUDIO, DISCUSSION ROOMWESTLIBRARY, RECORD ROOM, DIRECTOR’S CABIN, STAIRCASE, LIFTBRAHMASTHANCONFERENCE ROOM, DEAPARTMENT, LAW , VISITOR’S AREA, OPEN AREA, HALF PARTITION CUBICLES, NO HEAVY FURNITURE, TOILET,EASTADMINISTRATION,OFFICE, CONFERENCE, ACCOUNTS ROOM, TAXATION STAFF, POWDER ROOMSOUTH WESTMANAGING DIRECTOR’S ROOM, MULTI PURPOSE ROOMSOUTHGYM, PANTRY, ELEVATOR, DIRECTOR’S ROOM, STAIRCASE, TOILET, LIFT ROOMSOUTH EASTMEETING ROOM, GENERATOR, COMPUTER SERVEREvery human being holds several kinds of energies, mostly unknown and unseen. Both Good and Bad, Evil and Divine, Positive & Negative. Not just human beings, but constructed houses and other kinds of buildings also hold them. Vastu Shastra is the science of balancing these energies. Both humans and buildings play an equal role in creating the required harmony. Vastu Shastra is the scientific study of the holisticinteraction between humans and buildings, the study of the forces involved, the individual energy meridians, the chakras and influences of the building on the human character, as well as the systems that may be implemented to create a healthy, living environment. Modern Vastu Shastra is also called Building Biology, which further teaches us to design buildings with soul, that helps in creating a unique relationship between bodies and buildings.
Our life is fully dependent upon theory and practical interplay of five elements though astrology, ayurveda and vastu. All these are applicable to the people irrespective of their casteor creed and country or continent. It is secular. It ensures better living environment and positive thinking. Proper and adequate use ensures good health, sufficient money, continuous growth and all-round success.
By Dr Surendra Kapoor
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