11 May 2016

11 Reasons Dating A Guy Younger Than YouIs A Brilliant Idea..

11 Reasons Dating A Guy Younger Than YouIs A Brilliant Idea..

1. He’s cuter than you are..Sure he's annoying at times, but you can’tkeep track of how many times he makes yougo awww. And most of the time, it's for thesetiny, but oh-so-thoughtful things. Sounds likefun, right?.

2. There are no ego hassles with him.He doesn’t get offended too easily. In fact,he’s way more casual than you will ever be..

3. He has a funny perspective on reallyserious things.Which is a great thing, because it takes awayfrom the pressure of a situation and you canfocus better. There are times you are scoldinghim, but then he says something stupid andyou end up laughing..

4. You are the authoritative one in therelationship.He’s probably a kid and sucks at makingdecisions and that automatically makes youthe more responsible one..

5. He is brutally honest.He will ask for what he wants shamelessly. He will tell you everything upfront and that is a very good thing for any relationship..

6. He is respectful.He always looks up to you. He respects yourindependence and individuality. And he alsorelies on your advice, frequently seeking itbefore getting a haircut done or when heneeds to have an awkward conversation withsomeone..

7. It’s fun to hang out with his friends.His friends are exactly like him, and keep youon your toes. And it's all good because theyserve to keep you young at heart. Which isalways a good thing..

8. He's open to learning.He’s not so rigid and that’s the best thingabout being with him..

9. He doesn’t plan things at all.He's spontaneous, sometimes unrealistic, andhappy-go-lucky.And this is what makes himreally attractive..

10. He is full of energy.Whether it’s in bed or with taking shots, thisone will never disappoint you. You will gettired, but he won’t..

11. He doesn’t crib.Because he hardly cares about anything in the world. Apart from you

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