22 April 2016



You are the source. Without you, nothing would have been felt, heard, seen, tasted, known. You were there through it all, the pain and the glory, the loss and the euphoria, the deep sorrow and the aching bliss.

Through the ups and the downs of your ever-changing world, it was you who never left, it was you who stayed present, it was you who remained switched on, the light illuminating every experience, the warmth even inthe coldest places, the stillness in the midst of the chaos, the profound, unnameable sense of being there. It was you, present in the seeking and the finding, in the forgetting and the wondering, in thedespair and the delight.

You were the one, the constant one, the source, through it all.You are breathing, so you are alive, so you are an expression of a vast and ancient and infinitely intelligent universe, and so you are unique and original as you are, and you are deeply worthy of being here, and your worth comes not from without, or from within, but surges through your very existence, no matter what you do, or think, or seek. And you know the power of million suns, and you breathe in, and breathe out...

- Jeff Foster

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