18 April 2016



There is nothing more glorious than the beginning of the path. Your heart soaring with possibility, you take that first baby step into the unknown. Trembling but alive, you walk.

It was never about getting to the end, reaching thefinish line, it was always about falling in love with the beginnings. And life is always a beginning.

Each step, each breath, each brand new day, each invitation to surrender, each sunset, each dawn, each wave of joy or sorrow, each chance to trust.

The ocean's waves do not end, they only fall back into their ocean, their Source, emerging again, falling, playing like children of infinity, held in unspeakable love.

From the perspective of the Source, nothing has happened at all, except the dance. Endings are beginnings and beginnings are endings, here in the vastness of presence.At the intersection, we meet.

I don't know you, andyou don't know me. Brought together by destiny or chance, we dance in the ocean's depths.If you ran out of oxygen, I would breathe you.

- Jeff Foster

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