22 April 2016



We were once a great Team. One truth, one family. Born as One, we divided. Tribes, factions, clans, nations, religions, ideologies, armies. My God versus your God. My truth against yours. Slaughtered each other in untold numbers. Stopped listening, stopped seeing ourselves in each other's eyes. Fell into delusion. Worshipped at the altar of belief.Some of us, now waking up. One family again; one Team.

Recognising ourselves and each other as presence; not many presences, but one. No religion, no lineage. Differences, yes; but no essential separation. Celebrating our diversity, remembering our shared nature.As the delusion intensifies, so does the call to awaken. As the shadows grow louder, darker, the light source becomes more apparent, clearer.

Darkness is only a call for light. As the ego dies, it roars.Two cannot become one, of course, but One can remember it was never really two.Perhaps we still have a chance, my love.

- Jeff Foster

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