30 April 2016

Tanzanite Stone

Tanzanite Stone

A member of the zoisite mineral group, tanzanite is a blue to violet gemstone. Ali Juuyawatu a Masai tribesman discovered it in the hills of Northern Tanzania, which remains the sole source of Tanzanite to this day. The gemstone’s sudden popularity is all thanks to Tiffany and Co. which also gave the stone its name, tanzanite. The gemstone is pleochroic, in simple terms it means that tanzanite shows different colors depending on the angle from which it is viewed. Gem cutters have to properly orient tanzanite gemstones if they want to get the preferred blue hue. It is extremely desirable because of its vivid bue shade making it a rival of the beautiful sapphire.

Tanzanite’s blue shade is so sought after that it is routinely heated to enhance it and minimize the less desirable brownish tones.Benefits and EffectsIn order to relate to realms or do meditation, Tanzanite is considered to be a valuable spiritual stone. The stone is believed to inspire compassion and encourage calmness in the bearer along with helping in facilitating communication and solve various problems. Tanzanite is associated with the Vishuddha, (chakra of throat), Ajna (chakra of the brow) and Sahasara (chakra of the crown) in the Hindu belief system. Tanzanite is a stone for higher consciousness, implementation of desires, expressing oneself, being creative, wisdom and communication. The blue shade of tanzanite ties it to loyalty, faith, sincerity and respect. The gemstone is also linked to the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland and the mouth.

Tanzanite is the birthstone for the people who are born in December. Blue tanzanite carries water energy while violet tanzanite carries fire energy according to feng shui.Price and QualityThe gemstones colors ranges from ultramarine tosapphire blue. The gemstone has high color saturation among gemstones of over 5 carats. An eye clean stone should be sought when trying to buy tanzanite. The gemstone has attractive vitreous luster. The value of tanzanite decreases because of the eye-visible inclusions, except for the very rare cat’s eye tanzanite, which has inclusions causing chatoyancy. The gemstone comes in both traditional and fancy shapes with a variety of cutting styles.

Lapidarists generally take cost into consideration while cutting tanzanite which means that it is often cut into ovals and cushions. Extremely rare cat’s eye tanzanite is cut in cabochon in order to display the desired chatyoyancy.Where and How to buy?The gemstone, tanzanite is only found in one place on earth that is in Tanzania, East Africa.

The only known deposit of tanzanite to mankind is located on a five square mile hilltop at MerelaniHills near Ausha which is ten miles south of the Kilimanjaro International Airport in Tanzania.How to Wear? (Procedure)Tanzanite can be worn as a jewellery everyday and you will find various jewellery shops offering you the same. Since the gemstone is found in only one place, the jewellery might be expensive. This fact means that you can treat yourself or someone else to jewellery for both day and night without blowing your own budget.

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