15 April 2016

7 Chakras - Introduction for beginners

7 Chakras - Introduction for beginners

When we talk about the 7 chakras we should always keep in mind the scheme of our microcosm. Today every spiritual seeker knows that there are seven main chakras - also described as energy centers or wheels of light - but little is known about their deeper spiritual andmetaphysical significance. At the present level of evolution, we are able to consciously perceive only our physical body. Besides the physical body, however, we have a couple of invisible, but no less important vehicles whose inherent qualities are responsible for our conscious manifestation in the world of forms. These invisible vehicles are presently serving one very important purpose - to prepare the individual soul so that it might eventually, at the end of this phase of evolution, return to its Origin transformed and fully and consciously developed.

One of these inner bodies and the one closest to the physical corporeality is the Etheric (Ethereal) body. The 7 kundalini yoga chakras are actually incorporated in it. The etheric body is a body of energy and it consists of 7200 nadis or energy channels and seven main energy centers or Chakras. These seven centers have a close correspondence with the seven glands of the endocrine system. So, we see that they are not present in the physical body al all. These centers only have a representation on the physical plane, and those are the seven glands.When we talk about the 7 Chakras, an important point that needs to be understood is that the very same energy vibrates on all of these seven energylevels. However, when this energy reaches the energy centers, it is being transformed accordingly, so that different qualities of that particular wheel of light are attained.

For example, the seventh crown chakra expresses the ultimate spiritual experiences one can attain while in incarnated on Earth. On the emotional level - the fourth hearth chakra - the one and the same energy is represented through the quality of love. On the physical plane this energy is experienced as sexual energy - that is, we are in the domain of the second sacral chakra.Here are some of the most prominent characteristicsof each of the main 7 chakras.7th chakra - Sahasrara - Crown chakraLight ray - YellowArchangel JophielEndocrine Gland: Pineal gland (Epiphysis)Positive characteristics: infinity, unity, freedom, Divine level of consciousnessNegative characteristics: noneMantra: OMsixth chakra stones: AmethystWhite CalciteWhiteTopaz6th chakra - Ajna - Third EyeLight ray - GreenArchangel: RaphaelEndocrine Gland: Pituitary gland or hypophysisPositive characteristics: mental abilities, concentration, inner wisdomNegative characteristics: pride, arrogance, suspicionMantra: OMsixth chakra stones: Lapis LazuliAzuriteSugilite5th chakra - Vishuddha - Throat ChakraLight ray - BlueArchangel: MichaelEndocrine Gland: ThyroidPositive characteristics: peace, calm, emotional balance, joy, determination, will for actionNegative characteristics: jealousy, misuse of personal powerMantra: HAMfifth chakra stones: SodaliteBlue CalciteBlue KyaniteAngeliteBlue Turquoise4th chakra - Anahata - HeartLight ray - PinkArchangel: ChamuelEndocrine Gland: ThymusPositive characteristics: love, gentleness, adoration, healingNegative characteristics: lethargy, passivity, lazinessMantra: YAMfourth chakra stones: Rose QuartzPink/Rubellite TourmalineWatermelon TourmalineGreen AventurineMalachiteJade3rd chakra - Manipura - Solar Plexus ChakraLight ray - RubyArchangel: UrielEndocrine Gland: PancreasPositive characteristics: peace, service to GodNegative characteristics: greed, obesity, fear,Mantra: RAMthird chakra stones: CitrineYellow JasperGolden Calcite2nd chakra - Swadhisthana - Sacral ChakraLight ray - Violet FlameArchangel: ZadkielEndocrine Gland: GonadsPositive characteristics: rhythm, accuracy, the power of invocationNegative characteristics: anger, menace, hatred, apathyMantra: VAMsecond chakra stones: Orange CalciteVanadiniteCarnelianBlue-green TurquoiseBlue-green Fluorite1st chakra - Muladhara - Base or Root ChakraLight ray - WhiteArchangel: GabrielEndocrine Gland: Adrenaline glandsPositive characteristics: purity, resurrection, the needs of the physical body,Negative characteristics: passion, lustMantra: LAMfirst chakra stones: HematiteBlack ObsidianBlack TourmalineRed ZinciteGarnetSmoky QuartzSpiritual work on the 7 chakras should be done with the aim of awakening of the so-called "snakepower" or kundalini energy, which leads to spiritual self-realization.

This creative energy rises up the spinal cord, awakening the energy centers from their dormant state as it passes through.Each energy center is connected to a certain area in our brain. This means that not only the chakrasare put into action, but also the adequate latent brain areas.When, according to the eastern terminology, the snake power or kundalini energy finds its way up to the crown chakra, passing through all the 7 chakras, the spiritual experience of enlightenmenttakes place. We then become at One with God. This experience usually does not last long, at first it lasts only a split of a second. After the experience of enlightenment, we are able to utilizeour brain more fully, our knowledge increases, our powers get stronger, and we are more conscious of our life in the here and now.The expanded consciousness enables us more detailed perception of everything on every level. Having gotten closer to the Truth, we see things as they are; we see them clearly with penetrating though. Being at One with God, being in God's Heart, within the infinite persistent omnipresent Divine Love, we are transformed into a lover of everything that is present on Earth, beyond Earth and within Earth. Our love is forgiving, understanding, gentle and efficient for us and for others.

The whole humanity is our fellow. There isno loner age, time and matter. The roughest manifestation of the one energy is no longer there. What is left is the infinite omnipresent Divine Love achieved through mastering the 7 chakras.Of course, one question is left unanswered, that is, how to initiate the energy of enlightenment andmake it rise to the seventh chakra. Various schools or individuals have written countless pages on this subject alone, but only a handful of them have ever enlightened themselves. The enlightenment is no easy task, but nowadays it is attainable if one sincerely endeavors to reach it. Amoment of practice is more valuable than tons of literature on this subject. Therefore, first and foremost, one should increase one's faith in God, expand one's love toward God and start practicing by joining a compatible spiritual path or spiritual community.Below is a brief listing of stones and their use with the chakra system to get you started.Amethyst Opens and activates crown chakraCelestite Aids in clearing and perfecting chakrasCitrine Balances energy and aligns chakras with ethereal planeActivates and opens navel and solar plexus chakrasEnergizes the root chakraStimulates crown chakraAmber Opens and cleanses 3rd chakraCopal Activates crown chakraGreen Aventurine Activates, clears, protects heart chakraBloodstone Awakens and balances 1st through 4th chakrasCentering and grounding for the heart chakraClear, white Calcite Stimulates energy of all chakras, excellent at the crown chakraCarnelian Agate Use with the 1st through 4th chakrasPhysical energy, creativity, compassionChrysoprase Aligns chakrasActivates heart chakraHerkimer Diamond Acivates crown chakraGreen Flourite Good for cleansing, renewing chakrasGarnet Stimulates base chakraRemoves negative energy from chakras, promotes physical healingHematite Good for treating and closing the root chakraPink Kunzite Activates heart chakraAligns and balances the chakrasKyanite Aligns all chakras automaticallyCan be used to open chakrasLapis Lazuli Activates and clears throat and third eye chakrasMalachite Stimulates heart and throat chakrasMoldavite Use at the throat, third eye, and crown chakrasMoonstone Cleanses negativity from chakrasBlack Obsisian Grounding, good for the Root chakraTigereye Promotes intuition at the solar plexus chakraEnhances psychic ability at the third eye chakraTurquoise Elevates and attunes all chakrasFacilitates communication skills at the throat chakraBlack Tourmaline Stabilzes root chakra, dispels negativity, good for the lower backGreen Tourmaline Heart ChakraDeep Pink Tourmaline Stimulates base chakra and connection to heart chakraWatermelon Tourmaline Superior activation of the heart chakraRose Quartz Loving energy to the heart chakraBalances energies of all chakrasQuartz Crystal Opens all chakrasActivates crown chakra, clarity of conscoiusnessBalances and heals emotional wounds at the heart chakraSmoky Quartz Root chakra

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