14 April 2016

6 Things About Vaishno Devi Temple that Make it Really Special!

6 Things About Vaishno Devi Temple that Make it Really Special!

The Vaishno Devi Temple located in the state of Jammu and Kashmir is considered so miraculous that people flock here from all across India. Dedicated to Goddess Durga, the temple is a huge pilgrimage centre and visited by lakhs of devotees every year.

A place so rich in every way, the temple holds some interesting information that will surely take your spirituality to another level altogether.The original cave is too long and it takes a lot of time for pilgrims to pass through it. Therefore, two new caves were constructed that take the devotees to the main shrine, thus managing the rush of people.Lets take a look at some other rarely known facts about the temple…It is said that the origin of Maa Vaishno Devi is a mystery.Nobody knows how the caves came into existence and what exactly happened there. However, there have been reports that suggest thetemple to be one million years old.It is said that during the battle at Kurukshetra, Arjuna was asked by Lord Krishna to meditate in front of the holy cave to Lord Durga and pray for victory. It is believed that it was because of this prayer of Arjuna that the Pandavas won the war against the Kauravas.

Katra is a small town where devotees are given a ‘Yatra Parchi’ (Travel receipt) for 'darshan' at Banganga point. This is the point from where the pilgrims proceed towards the temple.Goddess 'Vaishno Devi' killed the demon 'Bhairav' using her trident.When the Goddess severed his head, it fell into thevalleys, while his body remained in the cave.

It is said the the original cave, which remains closed has the dead body of demon Bhairav still in it.Interestingly, It is in the only original cave, where the holy water of ganges flows.The water that comes from the main cave has been channelized in such a way by the shrine board that it reaches the 'Main Bhawan', where all pilgrims stay. It is with this water that pilgrimsbathe before proceeding to the temple.


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